Individual Authorized Distributor

Individual Authorized Distributor

Enter your email and we’ll send you everything you need to get started. As an Authorized Distributor, you agree to our Non-Competitive Agreement.

Enter your email and we’ll send you everything you need to get started. As an Authorized Distributor, you agree to our Non-Competitive Agreement.

How It Works

We charge $10,000 per installation. $1,000 goes to you as referral fee.


Email us when someone is interested by replying to any of the emails we’ve sent you.


We’ll install talking abilities into their app.

Who Will You Contact?

Call anyone you know with an iPhone app and show them our video. Suggest they should add talking abilities to their app. They will see you as a great resource at worst. We can install into already existing apps, or newly created apps. It takes about 1 week.


How Much Can You Make?

With 3 successful referrals per month, you could except $3,000 extra per month, or $36,000 extra per year.
